Friday, September 17, 2010

Thank you for opening my eyes to a new kind of perfection--that which is good, beautiful and pure. You bring nothing but joy and hope into our home, and I can't wait to see where you will take us.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monkey See, Monkey Do... Lincoln's First Trip to the Zoo!

Jim loves the Zoo, so what better thing to on his birthday than to take a family trip to the Roger Williams Zoo. Not to mention it is on our "summer list" so we were able to scratch one last thing off just before the season ends.


Just like Daddy... Lincoln loved the Zoo too!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

15 Months And Counting...

It has been 15 months since our little joy came into this world. And what an adventure these past 15 months have been. Lincoln, you are changing and developing so quickly. It feels like just yesterday we were wondering when you were going to take that first step and now here you are running around like such a big boy.

Since the time flys so quickly and I am even having a hard time remembering what you were doing just a few months again, I'm going to take a few minutes to point out a few things your doing at this exciting stage....


Lincoln has a few new favorite activities: Taking after your Pops & Auntie J, you've developed a new interest in cars.. everytime we are outside you want to get in my car. You play with the stearing wheel, the blinkers, wipers, everything you can get your hands on.


When at Nana & Pop's house you go straight to your favorite place... the garage ( are we seeing a trend here? ;)), but it's not the car in the garage that you love, but instead the tractor. You're quick to climb right up on there and if you're lucky Nana or Pops will give you a ride around the yard.

You also love books, climbing on everything, emptying and refilling things, like mommy's purse, a bucket with rocks etc. And of course you love your cartoons.. some favorites are Mickey's Club House, Special Agent Oso, Elmo.

And you just starting giving "high- fives", dancing and clapping a lot. And every once an awhile we'll get a hug and kiss ( although the kiss is more of a little head pump)



Favorite foods... Corn on the cob, fruit, chicken nuggets, gold fish crackers, nurti-grain bars, yogurt. And you still love your milk ( down to 3 bottles a day, breakfast, lunch, bedtime)


schedule : breakfast is fruit and 6 oz bottle of milk, then snack with Ms Yvonne around 9:30 usually pancake or nutri-grain bar. Lunch can vary and then usually a 3-4 oz bottle, then snack around 3... dinner is 2 chicken nuggets and some veggies and fruit then 8 oz bottle before bed.


You are still working on that secret little language of yours. It sounds like a combinatoin of Russian & German.. and more recently we sense a hint of mandarin.

You do consistantly speak phrases such as "i like" and I think "Dad" is your offical 1st word. We hear some mom and muuumm but said is definetly the more consistant. And although we're not fully admitting to it, we may hear a "oh shit" here and there. Not sure where you got that from :P.


You have quite a nice bedtime routine going on. After getting all comfy in our pj's ( around 7 pm)I'll read a couple books to you while you lay in my lap and drink your bottle. Then you so easily go down... you love your bed. And most nights you will stay up for a good 20-30 minutes chatting away to yourself.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rain Day Fun

With a summer filled with nonstop sun, 85+ temps almost every day ( plus some crazy humidity) we find ourselves wonder what to do when we get 3 straight days of gloomy rain.
I'll tell you what we'll do.... we'll snuggle on the couch with out munchkin and have picnics in the living room.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just the Beginning

It was only a matter of time before I jumped on the infamous blog band-wagon. I've never been one who is good at putting their thoughts into writing... I prefer talking much more! However my new found love for "capturing & documenting the moment", whether it be thru the ridiculous amount of pictures I take or notes jotted down in my mini pocketbook calendar has lead me to the desire to blog.

I have always loved taking pictures, but it's no secret that since the joy of my life, Lincoln Douglas was born ( 14 months ago) I've taken things to a whole new level. I have a calendar dedicated to documenting each new milestone reached, all Lincoln's overnights visits at the grandparents, trips to the beach, park, zoo etc. And I'm always there with the camera ( or yelling to Jim to bring it to me) to capture that first smile, first taste of veggies, first step and all the smile & memories in between.

Life seems to fly by way too quickly, and so I find it nice to sit back every now and then and reflect on the the fun we had yesterday, what I'm thinking about right now and what I am looking forward to doing tomorrow. Thru this blog I will make an effort to document my life. My life as a Mom, a Wife, a Daughter, a Sister, a Friend. Most days will probably be about my lil' monkey and the new things he's doing, so that when he's 3 and speaking sentences and I can't get him to shut up , I can look back and remember the gibberish he rambled on and on with that sounded like a mix between Russian & German when he was 1. Some blogs may be short, with one or 2 of my favorite pictures from the week and I'm sure there will be a few long ones rambling on about a fun weekend at the cottage or how ridiculously lucky I am to have such an amazing husband, family and friends.

So here it goes :)